Cypress bay registration form
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Cypress bay high school sound of thunder & color guard
Parent Info
This is the Student Information Section of the Cypress Bay Sound of Thunder Program! Scroll down for more information!
BoosterHub is the All New Communication HUB for all band programs (Marching Band, Color Guard, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Percussion and Jazz Band). BoosterHub includes the following tools and resources all in one place.
- Student Forms
- Band Store
- Credit Card Payments
- Calendar: you will find details for all rehearsals, competitions and other special events here. To help make sure you are “in the know” you can sync the BoosterHub Calendar to your smartphone.
- In addition, Volunteer Opportunities are listed, look for the “hand” icon.
Students and Parents are set up with a password-protected account linked to their E-Mail. This allows every member in the program to have 24/7 access to BoosterHub, so we will always be “in the know!”
- Please make sure to Download the BoosterHub Application, available for ALL Smartphones.
- To avoid BoosterHub emails ending up in your spam folder, please enter this address in your email contacts list:
Family members can access the Booster Hub Calendar any time through the link: Calendar (can also be found through “Calendar of Events” tab in this website; accessible at middle top of page)
New Student/Parent BoosterHub Account Access:
- Get in contact with either Mr. Dawson or the CBBPA President, Mrs. Bescherelle in the Contact Tab found top right on this website (or emails are: or
- These wonderful leaders will set you up with an email; you must then create a password for the account, confirm your email, and download the application on a your mobile device
Parent involvement is crucial to the success of the program, especially during Marching Band Season. There are lots of logistics such as building props, uniform fitting, meal distribution, chaperoning, and much more throughout the school year.
- All volunteers are required by the School Board of Broward County to get Level 1 Clearance by completing the online application annually. The application can be found at
- Level 2 volunteers are also needed for uniform fitting and chaperones when the band travels outside of Broward County and for overnight trips. Getting Level 2 clearance requires a more in-depth background review including fingerprinting (with the county). Once obtained, Level 2 clearance is valid for 5 years.
CBBPA Board Members are volunteer positions. Board member positions are one-year terms and are voted on by the parent association annually. Be on the lookout for information on becoming a CBBPA member.
Broward County Schools is not able to provide adequate financial support for all aspects of band programs. As a result, the Band Parent Association together with the Band Director develop an annual operating budget, including some fundraising activities designed to lower the cost for the families. This information is used to determine the financial commitment required for each participating student.
- Marching Band Fair Share is used to pay for instructor compensation, drill design, music purchase and arrangements, show accessories and props, competition registration, transportation and lodging, and annual operating expenses for the program (annual tax filing, accounting services, etc.).
- Concert Band Fair Share is for band students who do not participate in Marching Band. These funds are used for instructor compensation (master classes), music purchase, instrument bell covers, and annual operating expenses for the program (annual tax filing, accounting services, etc.).
- Other fees may be asked to cover Percussion and Guard Winter seasons, as well as special field trips for the Concert Bands.
- Students with financial challenges may discuss solutions with the Band Director.
- Percussion and larger instruments are generally available for rental at the school. A rental contract must be signed before any instrument is assigned. The annual rental fee is incredibly minimal ($10 during summer and $20 throughout school year) and must be paid on the Cypress Bay OSP website (unavailable during part of month of July). Instrument rentals are NOT managed by CBBPA.
- Students are responsible for the care of any rented instrument(s). The Band Director must be notified of any damage or incidents related to the rental instrument immediately.
- Repairs must be approved by the Band Director in advance, or you may be responsible to the cost incurred. Repairs are usually funded by the School District but at a very low level; any donation is always welcome to help with the cost of instrument maintenance and repairs.
- Students are responsible for providing smaller instruments by purchase or rental with a local music store (like All County). Any financial concerns should be discussed with the Band Director.
- Each year, students usually submit a Charms registration form, a FairShare Form and a notarized Medical Form.
- For certain fieldtrips, a Parent Transportation Release may be required.
- These forms are generally available on Charms in the Handouts section.